Halsey Robotics

Halsey Robotics JHS 157


The Halsey Robotics team is made up of a total of 23 members including our mentors. We’ve divided our members into multiple groups, being the engineers, programmers, and outreach. Our mentors are also divided amongst the groups: Ms. Cala mentors the outreach group, Mr. Lober mentoring the engineers, and Mr. Joseph mentoring the programmers, respectively


FTC is a competition for students grades 7-12 to build, program, and design their own unique robot to compete in a culminating event to compete against one another. Halsey Robotics will be competing for the first time in the 2024-2025 season Into The Deep.


This is the model of the robot. It fetures four wheels powered by two motors. The motor is located in the heart of the robot which also assits int he weight destribution. The arm is designed to hook and grap onto the specimen during the game. This is not the complete version of the robot. Thus, it is a prototype which is still in beta


Halsey offers the STEM Fair as an afterschool club for students to create their own STEM projects using a step-by-step procedure. Halsey’s robotics team has helped with their projects, fostering them to look into engineering and programming, inspiring students of all grades. The interactions became a crucial part of the team's journey and the STEM fair's.

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